Sometime, I feel animals are much better than human beings, they are free from all worries and bindings. Even they might not be worried about their end as human does. The difference between animal and man is that a man possesses the upper hand in all praxis of mind in day today lives in creation of future for himself. In this zeal, for the sake of his future, a man destroys the present and decides most of the things by analyzing his/her past. No doubt, evaluation of past is always required but the circumstances and parameters always get changed because change is the only constant feature of this universe. Change defines all variables of lives, what we can see today was not the same yesterday and will not be the same tomorrow. Then why the sense of inhumane is here all around. We live our present on paradoxes of past to build our future.
We tied ourselves in our own hypocritical values of the social system because we inherit these from our ancestors and society enforced us to live on treads of those. For me all this valid but only if it will not harm someone emotionally. Emotion comes from deep corner of heart of every individual and we have to respect these emotions which reflect true mirror of someone's inner-side.
I am not remembering when last time, I had expressed my emotions freely to someone except when I was kid where GOD kept me from all ills. As I have grownup the society start teaching me the diplomacy to deal with my parents, relatives, teachers and whole social system differently. On the same matter, I reacted differently infront of my parents, brothers, friends and relatives. Many things of mine I shared with my parents but not with my friends, many of the things I shared with my friends but not with my parents. Though, my friends are much more closer to me and I respect every friend of mine. Now question arises, which all the time piercing me that why we are not able to express our emotions the way we want?

What we want to speak, we can’t, what we want to do we don’t, sometimes family and sometimes society do not allow us to do most of things according to our own wishes. Where lays the freedom of speech and freedom to share our emotions?
Since beginning, I wished to do many things at every step of my life but could not managed to do according to my wishes as it was taught to me that I have to achieve someone else goals. My parents wished to fulfill their dreams through me, they set goals for me instead of allowing me to set my own goals. My teacher taught me to live for the society or for the country. I was quite honest to study hard as they forced me to do. Even, studied various subjects in which I was not interested. I was living in fantasies told by my family and teachers about my future. But one by one all my fantasies started shattering away. After coming out of academic institute, the struggle of survival begins, job hunting given various lessons of life. All these efforts for converting parents’ dreams into reality even faced failures at every step, As I jumped into the social system and tried to make synchronization between all the things taught to me during my education, with the actual and practicalities of the society but in vain. The learning process of survival has been started from the beginning and indubitably miles and miles to go in this natural process of learning.
Now, I have my own parameters and rules to deal with the society. All these may be wrong for others but surely these are not going to harm them or their emotions. It does not mean that I am avoiding society but trying to express my views my own way. I got my friends with these rules only. My love is so adorable and divine. We are sharing our emotions with each other with honest emotions from core of our hearts. The love she is pouring on me is so pure, lovable and endearing. Being with her gives me pleasure of life. Her smile is the biggest reason of my happiness. Now I realized that love is the only relation where one can share everything without any odd or putting diplomatic elements in the emotions. In true sense, I got my freedom of everything by being in love with my lovely soul.