Our previous meeting few weeks ago was long awaited and desired. As per our plan, we left our places to meet the other half of each other. I reached quite early but hours of wait seemed like a day, as heart was desiring you in front of me at very moment. But the journey has its own passage and time to complete. I was becoming impatient and in this state of mind, i expressed some anger to my love, he too was eager to meet me. And finally, we were together, and that very moment all the anger vanished away. Only the distance used to play the role of any ill will in our case.
And then we reached at our home, and remain in each others arms, loved each other. And we both were feeling the hunger, and then went to nearby market to have some eatables. All this is so lovable and enjoyed a lot. After that we came back at our place, made our bedding and then have food with the most lovable way.
Then, we talked and loved each other. My love had taken a movie for us, and we started watching, but i was caught with sleep. Forgive me my lovi.
Then we woke up in the morning, started talking, and also planned for the day, as my love had to visit our home town and me too had to reach at my place. So at last left the home and took bus and started the journey. The passage that we desired to visit with each other and were enjoying the scenery all the way and our heart desired that this journey never come to and end. Then on the way, we had our lunch. And then started for my place. At last reached there, i want to show my love, my new place of work, but he was already late. He got the bus with struggle and reached home quite late. Just after reaching at my room, i started missing my love too badly. All the thoughts of our togetherness are still alive in my eyes .
This is whole of our meeting and same moment we found our self in the wait and desire of next meeting. And just now feeling the warmth of my love.