An online survey taken out for decoding the mystery of ‘why lovers fight’, which revealed that 31% of the lovers fight on money related issues, 28% on household chores and 25% due to problematic in-laws. An Australian Researcher Richard Ronay and other researchers from
But I do not considered them lovers who fight with the above said reasons. They are not at all in love. Love is the healthiest and pure emotions of attachment. Lovers can fight when they do not get much time to share between each other and frustrations led them to arguments. Money never comes in between lovers if they are divinely involved in each other.
Lovers fight when:
One – lovers fight when they do not get much time to remain together.
Two – They fight if one from two does not respect the spoken words of other.
Three – Their ego lead them to fight.
Four – If one started lacking confidence on other one.
Five – Casual in approach at any of the end.
Six – carelessness towards each others emotions.
Seven – One started feeling burdened in between.
Eight – when ones feelings started suppressing.
Nine – When chord of emotions started diminishing.